Charity. When we hear or see this word we think of giving, but look at it in a different light.
I Corinthians 13:13 says "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."
Charity or, the Greek meaning agape which means "love: esp. brotherly love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God.
When we think of love we think of loving someone, which is fine, but the point I wish for you to see is a love that goes beyond the actually love we think or see. And though the English word love includes the affection which springs up between persons of different sexes, it is generally understood to denote only the higher and nobler forms of that affection, the lower being stigmatized under the name of passion.
Charity, God has blessed us with the ability to have charity, agape, pure love for Him and our fellow man.
Do we use it? Some do, actually very few do. They say it from their mouth, like blowing in the wind, but we do not use it, put it into action. Why do we do this? because we love ourselves more than we do God. We place so many things before Him that He is very disappointed in. Paul explained this. He warned us of this. Today we have done exactly what he wrote about in 1 Corinthians 13. Read it. Some of us use the Faith. We have faith. We use it daily. We have faith that God will bless and protect us in His will. And we all have Hope. Hope that the faith we have will bless us in God's will. Faith that the salvation we have accepted is real. We know it is real because we have felt the touch of His hand upon us. But we do not use the charity. The charity that God has given us to use for Him unto of fellow man.
How can we use it? When you see someone in trouble or having a hard time. What do we do? Most times we judge them first. Then we talk or seek out the "truth" to make a decision on which if we will help them or not. Why do we do this? Is it what God would want us to do? Remember the bracelets and saying WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Ask ourselves that question. Instead of passing judgement on someone, ask WWJD. I have felt the pain on the judgement of others. The stares and whispers. The public shunning, especially at church. Wow, that really blew me away. In church, shunning or ostracizing someone because the made a mistake, for instance being locked up. I just smiled., I know I have that charity in my heart. I have tried my best to utilize that gift God has given me, and He has given it to you if you have accepted Him as your savior. You have the GIFT or CHARITY. We have to use it. Oh just think how much better our lives would be if we gave charity first always. The love we would be able to see. The simple blessings of someone having a hard time smiling. The joy of the blessing YOU can be to others. It is amazing.
So lets start using it. When you wake up tomorrow and you go to work or school or wherever, put the charity up front. Apply it to our lives and watch other start to feel the blessing you shall become.
Be a blessing tomorrow. Allow Him to touch someone through YOU.
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