Published 31 December
Merriam-Webster defines Resolution as : the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something : an answer or solution to something : the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail.
So this being said, instead of making a New Year's "Resolution", why don't you really say what you mean and make it a New Year's "Revolution", meaning you are just spinning your wheels.
I mean come on really, how many of you have made a New Year's Resolution to stop smoking, or lose weight (the most obvious ones); or perhaps its one to exercise, yeah only exercise you will be doing after a week is running your mouth to yourself procrastinating why you are smoking and eating and gaining more weight. Some make ones to save money. You do this one only to find you have wasted money to a fitness center membership, when you realize this one your usually in line at the grocery store. One of the better ones is to do go to church more. We love to try to cut bargains with God. "Lord if you will help me stop smoking, and lose weight and save money I will go to church every Sunday. By 10:59 on January 4th we have already made so many "revolutions" we are stuck in a rut.
So let's look again at the definition of Resolution. Finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem, that is one of them. The act of resolving something, there's two. An answer or solution to something, wow that is deep; and finally the ability of a device to show an image clearly, (and I like this) with a lot of detail. How do we accomplish all these things? PRAYER.
Yes for thousands of years instead of resolutions being made, people simply prayed about it. How novel (the adjective one) is that? from Noah all the way to John, instead of the patriarchs of old making a resolution the prayed.. Now can you imagine the Apostle Paul making a New Year's resolution to write the Epistles? "Yeah Timothy, I am going to get started on them letters to those churches. Yeah I have all this parchment and my eyes aren't getting any better. Yeah I know I said I was going to do that last year, but I really am this year, no seriously Timothy, no stop laughing; I am serious this year" No Paul prayed, all of his writings he prayed and it was divinely inspired.
Now you just cannot throw up any prayer and expect it to be answered. No it don't work that way. Oft times we think we can cut deals with God and get our way in return for some "slick-moves". (OK God I will go to church this many Sunday's for this many pounds) Oh no it don't work that way.
God expects when you come before Him to ask Him something, that you come humble and boldly. Humbly, meaning you have put yourself aside. Everything you put before God, moved out of the way. and Boldly, meaning you know that God desires only to answer your prayer. why is it such a hard thing for us to do that. Why is it so easy to put things before God and so hard to move them out of the way?
So in 2015, start with a New Year's prayer, every day, and don't make "revolutions. I guarantee that you will go father than you ever imagined if you just pray and do it without ceasing.
James 4:6-10
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