Originally posted 18 December
I sitting here looking at a card Hannah got for my recent birthday. It shows a dog asking "how old did you say you are this birthday?" Inside it says "Ahhh that must be a jillion in dog years", My reasoning for saying all that is this; Look and realize how much, our children are a blessing to us.
How many times do the make us want to pinch their heads off? I know I have been on both ends of that spectrum. Ah this brings us to another viewpoint. How much we were blessings and pain to our parents.
Being in the positions I have been throughout the years I have seen every view point there is on the action and in-actions with children. Working as a paramedic I seen the suffering side of children. Some on the people I worked with, well the burden of seeing injured, hurt even dead children caused them to leave the field. I seen the parents of these children as well. The pain they went through was heartbreaking. And on the other side of the spectrum. I seen the injuries that parents could inflict on their children. Neglect and abuse pushed me to the point of wishing major pain upon them.
Working with Children's Services I seen children capable and guilty of the most heinous crimes, murder even rape. They would walk up to me and talk to me just like a regular teenager would. Talking about music, food what was on TV, me knowing all the while that the person talking to me killed someone. This particular one talked about his mama coming to visiting him. This person still had someone who loved him. Being in a similar place like he was in, I to know how much it meant for my mom and dad to come visit me. Blessings be upon Rachel Kilgore and Lindsey Ely Cochran They are angels in our county, protecting chilldren. God bless both of you.
Working and seeing juvenile court in my previous residence, I seen that many kids today do not have parents. Yes they have a father or mother, but they are not parents, they are providers or enablers. Parents are the mom's and dad's they want to see their children strive for life, not fail. No parent want to see their kids in trouble. I know the stress and pain I my parents through when I was incarcerated.
I have seen the good and the bad in people. Children today are impressed with all the things the world has to offer. How do we combat these things? We pray. We ask God for the guidance and strength to fight the "fiery darts of the devil" we read and take God's word. It is a total instruction manual to life's problems and issue.
If everyone who reads the sits down and reads II Chronicles 7:14 and follows the instruction given there, what would our lives, our world be like? Try it tonight and let's see if we can change the world on person at a time.
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