Thursday, January 15, 2015

What does God say about YOU?

What does God say about YOU?

26 December

2014.... I have been beaten, but I survived. I have been thrown away, but I have rebounded. I have been told I am worthless, but I am rich beyond measure. I was told I was loved, but it was not real. I discarded all the woes and heartaches of my past, but I am healed. I was put away, but I have returned.

I am a survivor, a fighter, a loved man. I have two wonderful children that I God has restored unto me. I have went through more in one year than most go through in a lifetime. I have not lost anything, the things I supposedly lost, well they were unreal, a mirage.

So don't befriend me unless you mean it. Don't tell me you love me unless you can prove it. Don't do it, because I am real and God is with me. I don't want fake, I want real. Show me, prove to me, and I will prove it back. If you don't want me, to love me, then it's your loss, because I worth loving more than ever.

God has blessed me, restored me, loved me and set me on the path of righteousness. I have learned from the errors of my past. And I am a better father, dad, son and man for it.

James 4:6-10

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